
Once again showing that “We Race As One” is total bullshit in the face of hosting races in countries and states with horrible human rights violations.

*When properly equipped with equipment that doesn’t exist yet. 

My car will go 200 MPH when properly equipped with a bigger engine and a pair of turbochargers.

I think the current system is best.  The grid was jumbled up already in race 1.  Teams game with trying to improve their times to move on, or stay in the garage if they are safe to move on.  Doesn’t appear broken to me so why change it.  Qualifying is more exciting than the race sometimes.

fucking stupid.

the current quali format is the best part of the whole F1 weekend closely followed by seeing who survives turn 1.

after that it is basically watching Merc drive into the sunset or redbull choke on strategery followed by Merc driving into the sunset.

all this does is basically ensure that sunday will be

No. A convertible Camaro, any convertible Camaro, is the worst Camaro.

It’s a common problem in sales, and choices in general.

Man, thats a wrap for Fernando. Lettuce recall the times he was in a pickle with his career He’s older, wiser, totally NOT a ham. However, I suspect this return to F1 might just be for the bread. Any way you slice it, ‘Lonso is still a grate. I wait for the day when he’s once again cheesing for the cameras. Heres to ho

I have a Pacifica and navigating the touch screen for heated seats/steering wheel isn’t ideal when driving.  And to get out of the screen once you are there its a tiny “X” at the top right that you HAVE to look at while driving or else you won’t hit it.

Claims of 100 knots is more than a bit of exaggeration.

Is that a logo or instructions?

Looks like someone didn’t read the very first sentence of the article...

I am not sure what this means, but can we get some more Changli videos? 

Being stuck with this guy in an elevator is my definition of hell on earth.

That roof rack seems like a perfect home for a solar panel. So, what I would love to see you experiment with is putting one on to recharge the batteries and see if the range increases due to the extra star juice or if the added weight and drag actually inhibits the range. Now this might double the price of the Changli

If you don’t think 0-200 in 7 seconds is exciting, then you’ve got brain worms. 

Vettel and The F Word should go sportscar racing. No need to risk life an limb in top level club racing at cheese grater oval and street tracks.

I give Ford a bit of a pass because, if memory serves me, they were the only one of the Big 3 that didn’t take a huge federal bailout back in 2009 whilst GM and Chrysler were sucking hard on that govt teat.

Watching the prices on used SS’s not go down for the last two years has absolutely crushed my spirit. But with this guys budget, he should be able to get a good one.

I sure hope this pandemic pushes dealers to ditch their sales model. Having a customer go to the dealership before they talk numbers just doesn’t work.