shouldn’t this be posted to Splinter?
shouldn’t this be posted to Splinter?
Really, you just need to look at his background to see where this stuff comes from:
I’ve never seen anything blown up so fast in Oklahoma City.
-Mayor David Holt
I think the blame for this move should be squarely on the shoulders of the Knicks. Not only did they fuck over the player they agreed to pay more, but then they negotiated with a player that already made a verbal commitment to another team.
“It’s 528 Hz, which is the frequency of love.”
My wife swears she saw one once on vacation, but I was not there so I can’t confirm it.
They say the sun is too hot for astronauts to walk on. But what if we go at night?
Scientifically speaking, when a goat farts in India, a warm breeze sweeps through the Midwest an hour later.
alleged serial predator Jeffery Epstein
I wonder what will last longer; his NFL career or his children?
I hope there’s a republican challenging him, too!
So that means supporting pro life dems right.
I mean I don’t think there is anything honorary about it. Richie put in the work and met all the requirements to be a full fledged psycho.
Who is Rob Manfred?
Is it time yet to put our own selfish lives on the line to stop this insanity? I would only last about 60 seconds, but I’m ready.
I applaud Starbucks for making their stores “gang-free” zones…
I don’t know anyone involved in this study, but I think they deserve some defense.
Depression from ecstasy? Sounds like you should try: Ketamine!
The last time I felt fireworks was the first time I tried ecstasy.
No one ever said switching to triathlons was easy. RIP