
I work in education, we maintain a list of accredited institutions. Filter on “State” Run replace “State*” in Excel. Delete the ones with an actual state. Done. 45 seconds of work. 

maybe James Harden is his real dad *gasp*

OK, we can stipulate that he has no racist bones. It’s his other 250 pounds of pasty Baron Harkonnen-flesh that contains the racism...

chill dude

Funny, that’s how the old East German Women’s Team did it too.

NEWGAWKER” as if it’s going to be some incarnation of the New Yorker? Um.

Yes they did. Unfortunately that kid was Craig James, and a terrible tragedy could have been averted if his parents had acted otherwise.

Counterpoint: no. 

I’m of the opinion that if your game hinges on a kicker the rest of the team fucked up.

We’ve got to address how society has elevated wealth - over everything else, including kindness, goodness, empathy - as the ultimate goal for all. Until we see that shift, they’ll always find plenty of foot soldiers who will carry water for their hatred and racism because those folks know (maybe not even consciously) t

A tad underwhelming for those in attendance. Much more exciting:

I hope everyone of her and her bloodlines gets erased.

Normally I’d think that was being a bit vengeful and ridiculous, but having read the circumstances of the case, good fucking god, it’s actually a fairly reasonable reaction. The the sheriff couldn’t die enough deaths to make up for his vile crimes. His body should certainly be dug up and thrown into a garbage dump, and

I see this old lying ass bitch is still playing victim after 7 fucking decades. When she dies I hope that family makes it their mission to piss on her grave.

Lock that lying old bitch up. And if the sheriff is dead, dig up his rotting carcass and lock it up with her.

Even the bacon looked dry

Who pissed in your coffee, Pinky?

How is the media going to cover the World Cup in 2022? Will Deadspin cover it? Post highlights? Help build up to the event, while noting it was built on slave labor?

I have a lot of family in Pueblo and Springs. FUN FACT: they’ve been in America since before there was an America. They were in Taos when it was still New Spain. Mexico declared independence, then 50 years later, America coalesced around them.