
That we, in our free time, want to fix and/or modify your car for free. Usually this happens while you hang out in my garage, touch everything, and spew car diarrhea from your mouth that is incredibly inaccurate. Your cousins exboyfriend did not have a mint 9-sec Fox Body, ever. I would have known about him and the

That being an enthusiast means you street race. FALSE. I hate that crap. Cut it out.

Used Car:

I like that last bit, because what it essentially means is that he beat the lies that people used to tell about a guy that was pretty strong.

Reunion Island -> part of France -> Coneheads “come from France” -> Coneheads = Aliens -> MH370 found by Aliens.

Well, then, I guess I was lucky last weekend when I took my kids to the zoo. I was standing in line to get some ice cream, when the person at the counter served the guy in front of me two large cones of “Twist”, when he had order one chocolate & one vanilla. So the server looks up, and says “Anyone want free ice

Second hand WRX wagon with a digital gram scale under the seat. Previous owner must have been a chef or something.


Lil Wayne smokes kale?

Take it a step further and have autonomous rock climbing mode!

If there was ever a poster boy for a James Bond Super Villain. He wouldn’t even have to change his name.

Model S...grilles

Fuck Christian values. I don’t need a fairy tale book and some jerk-off at a podium to tell me what it is to be a decent person. Religion is responsible for more war and death throughout history than pretty much anything.

Nice general statement. I live in Lebanon, which is in the middle east. It’s probably greener than where you live now, we all speak 3 languages (Arabic, French and English), and our literacy rate is higher than the US.

Another reason energy independence should be a priority right now.

Reposting my response to GREG’s idea from last week.

Or perhaps they shouldn’t be taking customer cars for their lunch breaks...

Grave Digger