“Accidentally” sent...
True. Because “Ignorant man scared by a changing world he doesn’t understand” wouldn’t fit.
100%. I live in a rural area where trucks are just an accepted part of daily life. I don’t care about people who just drive a truck - they’re like trees, fading into the background. But as soon as I see the stickers...you might as well just finish the job, and have ANGRY MAN stamped into the tailgate instead of…
Golf carts. I guess they now qualify as “cars” because apparently you can drive them just about anywhere, on any public street, in Galveston, Texas. I hate them. You can’t see them very well at night and it’s only a matter of time before someone doing the legal limit of 35 MPH runs up on a poorly-lit golf cart…
I was going to answer “your mother” then I saw your answer and realized this question DOES apply to me.
My husband is a big bearded dude who drives a SuperCrew F-350 with a capper (he’s a contractor). Everyone pegs him as a RWNJ on site and it’s alarming the kind of (ignorant, racist, conspiracy theory, etc.) stuff people feel comfortable saying to him as a result.
Let’s not forget ever-present decals in the back window: Blue line flag, “Let’s go Brandon”, Punisher skull, AR-15 silhouette, and Trump 2024. But without the Brodozer and the decals how else would we know how badass these guys are?
Thank you for reminding me that ‘Cheddars’ even existed. Now I also feel the need to re-watch Brooklyn 99.
Wranglers. Specifically lifted and angry eyed ones that blind me every goddamn day. It’s so common it’s almost like this is how they’re all sold on Long Island.
Lifted White Truck. I live in Texas so they are everywhere. At least the trucks in color provide some change in scenery, but Lifted White Truck is the BMW of Texas, especially in cities.
Sadly, just a two-seater rather than a 2+2. At 6'10" and not a pro-athlete I need not be enticed any further. The old 300 Z of my childhood is probably the last one I could ever hope to drive.
I love that Tamura made it a point to make it affordable (relative to its class) and fun. This reads as if they focused on the hard to define ‘fun for the daily driver’ metric, than track times or raw acceleration.
I don’t really know how else to explain the broad and persistent demand for expensive trucks and SUVs
These cops sure as hell seem to rally behind “cop safety” when it means violating citizens’ human rights, racial profiling, and funding, but when it comes to something as simple as a free vaccination: “Nope, we couldn’t possibly do that!”