
Well that explains it, the A2's always were a bit twitchy.


Fucking hell, unrelated spoilers!!!!

Dark Horse Aliens comics to read:

Nailed it.


You mean magical pink?

Judge Dredd vs Aliens is surprisingly good.

Haha, fuck, has it been that long!

Hugh Laurie's looking over thinking "How fucking short is that guy?!"

And Cillian Murphy is Kill Ian Murphy. Poor Ian.

R.I.P Taggart. Now the skinny guy and the chick with the curly hair are going to have to solve those Scottish murders.

You're right, and Terminator is also about a man who wants to go back in time to become his boss's dad, so he might not exactly be your marriage material type.

So she was probably with this guy for only a few years, yet he's supposed to trump a husband and kids that she's had for 50 years. This sounds really dumb. Unless he's hung like Marky Mark at the end of that big dick movie.

Friday the 13th: Part 3: 3-D!


In the picture above he's kitted out like one of Joker's goons from Batman '89.

Can you please post more about this show, it's so hard to find any content on it on this site.

Jesus Christ, I've hard that song loads, but I just listened to try to hear that, and it's there. That is fucking spooky, depressing, and haunting.

Like edam this film will be made backwards.