
Metal Gear?!?!

Fair enough, apologies to Simon!

What about the opposite of this, where only the frontman has remained, like Billy Corgan and Smashing Pumpkins, and the rest of the band have been a bunch of hired guns or returning players. Also Robert Smith and The Cure. Any more?

Many Bothams died to bring us this information.

Understandable. As long as there's a decent intermission for you to get your breath back, go to the loo, smoke a fag/spliff/whatever, and then grab a drink before round two then you should be ok. As soon as Aliens starts I reckon you'll be like "Bring this shit on!" Seeing them on the big screen was mesmerizing, they

I've seen these as a double bill in the Hayden Orpheum cinema in Sydney, it was a very good experience, highly recommended! You have the slow claustrophobic burn of Alien, the build up in the first third of Aliens, and then the wake-you-up adrenaline surge of the second two thirds of Aliens to keep you alert and


Haha, it was something like that, I was afraid I was going to get rumbled and have to explain myself in front of the class. Reading it out would probably have been worse!

When I was doing my GCSE’s in Secondary School in the early 90s (they were the General Certificate of Secondary Education you take when you’re between 14 and 16 in England) we would often have surprise tests thrown at us that would end up counting towards our final mark at the end of the year.

Doesn't the guy in the top picture have a Saturday detention to preside over?

Don't forget those twats from Ocean Colour Scene.

As an Englishman I understand. Good day!

I dunno, He took a paddlin' where they didn't even ask him any questions, and he never talked voluntarily, so not so scared.

Han sees Vader in Bespin and just starts blasting away no questions asked, he wasn't scared of that prick either!

Why, maybe he deserved to be? Did you?

Butch pulls trigger

Wait, this one actually makes sense. RepostedAvengedSevenfoldFan2, you've changed, man.

I read it four times, then gave up.

Were they getting the sticks removed from their arses?

He should have chucked it over his shoulder like the bouquet at a wedding.