
Deaths from accidents and illness are all horrible. Arseholes blowing people up because of made up bedtime stories is disgusting and much more abhorrent. Your attitude that 'Some small attack like this means nothing' is just as disgusting, and downright cunty.

Tell that to the families of the dead, you fucking twat.

It's written on the back of the CD case.

Oh man, that lifting the leg straight up thing that Jet off Gladiators used to do….

Because you having a gun would have made the situation SO much better.

After the ad break.

Hilarious asides.

Kinds of Cock Breath: 7

Maester of Winterfell? What was his name? The dude they ended up getting (who was rather good) had a bit of a Jonathan Pryce quality to him.

Oof, that reminds me of the exact same thing I saw on the news years back where a wedding reception were all dancing on the third or fourth floor of some building, and the floor collapsed leaving only about a foot's width around the edge, which is where the guy with the video camera happened to be standing. You saw it

I see, didn't realise there was no expiry date. Enjoy, then!

Frank Stallone?

Shouldn't you just take them to the bin? Or is the glove compartment like a waiting area before they ultimately end up making it into the bin?

Yes, remembering First Contact is unpleasant!

It certainly doesn't. Barely even needs Resurrection.

Hold of? There's some on ebay right now.

The Aeroplane Flies High Box Set with the little carry case is very cool too.

D'you know what, I'm going to defend this one, I actually think this was a great job, internet. It had a lot of good editing, was put together with thought and care, and I really liked it (what I saw anyway, I'm at work so only watched the first five minutes or so.)


I saw it and was … euthanased.