
Frank Stallone?

I currently doing a watchthrough of DS9 with my wife who's never seen it before, and I've been re-reading those DS9 reviews, damn RJS was good!

It's just like Greg Stillson in The Dead Zone.

"This is not my obit…"

Phew! Or yawn. Whichever.

"That, would be, a waste, of tiiiime." Anthony Keidis, Point Break.

I thought the Young brothers were from Sydney, isn't it an Ashfield boys School uniform?

Thank you, I hate Cold Chisel. And Barnesy. And Farnesy. And any other '_arnesy'

That was Spiral Stairs, if I remember rightly he had a lady friend from there, and also another song called Subiaco, a suburb of Perth.

Chipotle or Habanero?

Maybe he confused rappers and rapers.

Quite horrifying when you see all the names typed out like that just how many people it really is. Awful.

Damn, my invisible film title didn't work.

Same with me but for The Emporer. He never did arrive, but my neighbours both got theirs.

We also played this at our wedding when we were signing the marriage certificate, so it was the first song we heard as a married couple. Our witnesses ballsed up the signing though, signing under the other person's name instead of their own, so the song ended up having to be played twice whilst the nonsense was sorted

Agreed, however my wife pointed out recently that there's a bit in it where it sounds alarmingly like the Friends theme tune is about to burst in!

This is just bonkers, taking a storyline from issues, what, 45-50 or so of a 65 issue run and moving it to the beginning? Plus everything that was in that trailer was never even in the comics. I dunno, seems like this just won't be anything like it's supposed to be. Also, that guy playing Jesse looks a bit fat and

Yeah, there was a noticeable difference after he left in both their original output and remix material, shame really.

The Underworld mix of Front 242's 'Happiness' is a monster!

Oh curse my beats per minute, I wasn't fast enough!