
You're fucking me off, you silly little boy.

Once they'd featured the Female Body Inspector baseball cap there was really nowhere else for the series to go.

Jane Lynch, probably.

He can't make that kind of decision, it's just a blunt.

I use this quote a lot, I'm sure no one would ever get it.

Haha, I'd forgotten all about that! Thanks!

How very droll.

I think this was called Deadly Pursuit in the UK. Co-starring Kirstie Alley, Clancy Brown, and Andrew Robinson, it's actually a pretty good little thriller. I remember enjoying it when I was younger.

I'm a massive fan of the first two movies, massive! But I watched half an hour of Fury Road and just thought "What on earth is going on, where is Mad Max in this Mad Max movie, and what's up with these annoying baldies, capering around like a bunch of Gollum rejects or something off Harry Potter, their am-dram

My son is also named Cort.

What is love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me
No more

How do you hold your wine?

Ah, thank you Cookie_Monster!

I've just had a revelation. Two, in fact. Firstly, my comment should have been in the form of a Simpsons quote about the "Yahoo Serious Festival", because that's exactly how 'Wood-sided five door' reads. Secondly, I think it must be one of those station wagons with wood panels down the side, like Murtaugh's wife's. I

Rowley are you ok?
Will you tell us,
That you're ok?

What the hell's a 'shipper pair'?

I read that as masturbated. Still works.

What's a wood-sided five door?

What the fuck, is this a real thing? This really is a podcast about someone's life that's really this messed up? Wow, guess I need to listen to more podcasts than just the odd How Did This get Made.

Re-reading Cugel's Saga by Jack Vance for the first time in 25 years. Just delightful.