
It was Orbital circa 2000

Sinead O'Donner?


Ugh, the way he played it all up for the cameras, loving the limelight, his theatrics such as the 'little girl' thing. What a wanker.

Man, I'm surprised any of it was allowed. I think the worst culprits in all of this are the Judges who allowed all this half-baked, half-arsed nonsense to be included for the prosecution, whilst in the same breath denying what seemed to be fair and reasonable requests for the defence. Deplorable. So monumentally

Boo, a boo for you, Grandad.

How was he allowed to do that press conference about Brendan's confession where he was stating ridiculous details as if they were stone cold facts "Avery sweatily answered the door" etc, and never once used the word 'allegedly'?! It makes my blood boil.

My wife and I can't stop saying "yeeaaaah" to each other like Brendan and his mum do in all those phone calls. I feel pretty bad every time I do.

The stars look very different today.

Bye June I might have finished this book.

*slithering and hissing*

"You think you're big time? You're gonna fuckin' die, BIG TIME!" - Me to anyone on a moped in GTA.

It's on UK Netflix, get yourself a geoblocking workaround or VPN and you're good to go.

I watched that too a couple of weeks ago. Poor Kai Opaka, stranded with those Mad Max rejects.

Rats live on no evil star.

Sydney's The Wild Rover has been doing their own Festivus for a couple of years now. It's a much better bar than this looks to be.

Looks like Lyndsay off Angel.

The title of the Miley Cyrus photo is Wrecking Bowl, right?

Kanye won't let it.

Damn, my prison-spotter cred is taking a hit here. I'll get me coat.