
Twin Towers Correctional Facility? I can think of no more fitting tribute to all those that perished than… a prison?


You get poetry.

The black man fled across the desert in a stormtrooper outfit.

Like Chief O'Brien in that 007 'holosuite-safeties-are-off' episode!

A Christmas oop t' North? Grim. I feel for you, mate. All the best.


Jare Jare Binkse. FTFY

John Nofilter.

"Hold on a second….. Fuck off."

Yeah, well, I suppose that's a pretty good point! But he must have Biehn pretty pissed off to have his one scene from T2 cut.

I feel really sorry for Michael Biehn, he was star of two of the biggest sci-fi movies of the 80s, and then got totally screwed over in both their sequels at the beginning of the 90s. Poor bloke.

But also Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon!

Damn, I guessed Frank Stallone.

Mumoirs of a Geisha

The Last Mumarai

Top Mum

Son of a bitch must play.

To chat someone up in England is to try to get into their knickers. This was therefore not as bizarre a video I had imagined it would be.

Thoroughly and consistently.