
Why on earth, would anyone want doom this amazing show by keeping it around for so long? It's a law of nature that everything decays exponentially. Ideally, shows should get in and get out before gravity can grab a hold of it; keep its integrity before succumbing to the inevitable. No matter how good it is now,

I would argue that since RT mostly collates reviews from other sources, the gender bias seems to be in the critical industry and not on the site itself.

I'm really not at all satisfied with the quality of my punmanship. Much like this season in fact. Maybe the quality of the first two seasons of True Detective could be perfectly likened to my relationship with puns: A strong start, dark and sinister, kind of fizzles out at the end, returns much anticipated to be

Let's all ignore the fact that everything in this flow chart leads back to Michael Keaton as Birdman. It all makes sense now, thanks AVian Club!

Is it just me or would that extended action sequence worked even better if it was treated like a choreographed dance sequence a la Flashdance?

Is anyone else left slightly confused by Duck's endgame? I don't quite see why he is all of a sudden Pete's inebriated benefactor; what does he get out of it? I really hope this isn't just a deus ex machina hiding behind the heavy stench of whiskey….

It's the (dare I say it) subtlety of the start to the dream sequence that got to me. Forget the bogeyman. The simple "oh no" at the knock on the door. That prescient dread. It completely took me off guard, and elevated the sprinting biter. A perfectly executed one-two punch.

When it comes to this film, a quote from Daria comes to mind almost immediately: "Sometimes your shallowness is so thorough, it's almost like depth".
Nothing beyond the black rainbow, except absolutely amazing visuals and a brilliant soundtrack. Not deep enough to be the right kind of "weird". A convoluted plot and a

Yes, it is the embodiment of "style over substance". The soundtrack is hauntingly atmospheric, the visuals are positively hypnotic and gorgeous, but their is absolutely nothing beneath the surface, or beyond the black rainbow, as it were. That was my impression, at least.

I agree entirely. The film is firmly classified under the title of "weird". But not the deeply weird with underlining meaning like Under the Skin or Berberian Sound Studio. Just plain weird. The story leaves much to be desired and the ending is absolutely atrocious and entirely disappointing. Visual and sound-wise,

Was that mention of an underground bunker a reference to Hamm's appearance in the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? Whether it is or isn't I can't stick around to find out: It's my turn on the mystery crank!

"his short posits a strong argument that there should be a space for a traditionally animated adult-oriented Star Wars cartoon", you say?
Yes. Gods yes. The closest thing we have is the 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars Series.

Always thought Death had one slightly lazy eye…

Exactly what I was thinking about that Ferris Beuller clip. WHO LAUGHS AT THAT?!!

So much nay-saying in the comments. The film is a masterpiece of minimalist storytelling and cinematography. So there's no action. All the more time to let those suicidal tendencies and anger fester inside you until you can't take it any more. That is why this film is brilliant.

May the 4th seems prime for some Star Wars….

it's an epidemic. there has to be a solution to this problem.

One minute you're reading about stupid people not knowing that dinosaurs are extinct, and the next it turns into a Holocaust pun thread. I guess someone just had to Gestapon the gas, and put another round in the chamber.

Hairy Cocker and the Two Girls, One Goblet of Fire?

SotD was more of a Zombie Bromantic Comedy if you ask me…