
I ended up getting the App Point DLC just because the game seemed so stingy on that front, and the game was downright brutal at times, but I really wish I hadn't; there are key apps that make the game much more balanced, but some of them are actually game-breaking, and I wish I'd just played normally in retrospect.

Oh gods, did the show actually play "The Sound of Silence" there?

This. Skyfall had a ton of problems—the brightly glaring, totally unreconstructed Super Gay Villain With Mommy Issues was too distracting for me, especially since the trope was in no way treated as some sort of interesting counter-point to Bond—but its overarching structure was brilliant, it was thoughtfully acted

Please, please, please let them be on Genosha in the future sequences.

I mean, I'm aware of all that on the production side, but it still seems like the end products are pretty different. The Wachowskis clearly cribbed much more directly from Gibson and Ghost in the Shell, but there too the question of "original" seems suspect.

Honestly, I've always found Morrison's claim on that point pretty erroneous, and made in bad-faith. While The Invisibles and The Matrix share some very broad themes in common, they approach them from dramatically different standpoints. There's virtually nothing about technology or dystopian futures in The Invisibles,

Well at least the mullet makes him a timeless hero, right?

Overlooked, you say? Why, they're downright—Invisible!

It's weird, too, that for someone who stars in a book that is a continual critics' darling, he's really under-appreciated elsewhere (though maybe that's part of his charm).

To be fair, for someone who has been in the X-Books erratically, and who had one of the shortest tenures as an X-Woman, she was in Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, whereas a lot of more prominent heroes have yet to be graced with that distinction. So in terms of exposure versus importance, I'm pretty sure she's making out like a

On the (incredibly) off chance that I ever have kids, then Santa will very much prefer a nice IPA mix-a-six and some of those delightful dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets. Santa will also, as a result, neglect to leave presents until 11am so that his helpers have time to recover adequately.

No, I got it. Hence "on-the-nose."

They forced a re-write so that the parents were divorced and the husband has to figure out how to get the family back together, you see. Also, one of the children is very sarcastic, and is possibly also one of the title characters from GAY KID AND FAT CHICK because synergy.

I guess folks in Hollywood don't realize we've jumped the Sharknado.


Agreed. Everyone else was basically acting babynuts that season, and Wesley was the only one with any amount of common sense or at least a tactical point to their actions.

And then afterwards....


Importantly, even if this is true—despite some dodgy methodology, as others point out—it still doesn't mean we should de-fund the arts in public schools. #unfortunateimplications #justsaying

Truly, that was the biggest (and perhaps only) disappointment in First Class. Such an utterly obvious miscasting for one of the better, more distinctively written X-Characters in recent memory.