
Constantine on “Arrow” you say?

Oh dear, I came here thinking this would be one of those snarky, wonderful FAQ’s io9 does. Instead it’s actual interviews with the folks who made the movie.

Pretty much every Trollope novel ever except for The Way We Live Now. There are Victorian novelists whose style is wonderful enough that cutting 100 pages would feel like a loss. Trollope isn’t one of them.

Han would definitely be a member of the “Tieves” Guild, yes.

Quebecois melodramas, here I come.

Go retro and watch the original Sailor Moon with her—it’s almost all on Hulu up through the third series, and they’re adding more episodes every week.

Oooh, a metaphor!

For me, one of the worst things about sleep paralysis is that even when you know about it, the experience isn’t any better. I’ve suffered from it on and off for years, and while I now know what’s happening when it happens, I’m still completely terrified at the time.

Wow, Lisa Frank’s paleoart game is strong.

Yeah, I loved the idea of queer Hank for many reasons. It’s a shame that it turned out to be Hank’s media stunt/not very thoughtful point about intersectional politics.

Manderlay is great for those who can like/stomach/survive Lars von Trier.

Last year within the space of a month I successfully defended my dissertation, finished teaching one of the best classes of my career so far, and found out that every single one of my job prospects had fallen through after almost a year of applications, interviews, and on-campus visits. I was emotionally spent and

But how will it stack up to the series about Newton that features mecha and a blending of gendered genre conventions?

This is the best thing I've seen on the internet in weeks—thank you!

Yeah, someone really dropped the ball in the copy-editing department that day.

There's also a really great, defensible fan theory that Pokemon—true to a long tradition of Japanese textual allegories for WWII—is basically all about a post-war generation, which is why there are so many absentee (presumed dead) fathers throughout the games. The war that Surge mentions is the most overt clue, but I

Wasikowska was brilliant in Cary Fukunaga's version of Jane Eyre, so sign me up.

There are no explicit mentions of LGBTQ+ characters in the books as such. Period. End of story. I've responded to your points adequately above, as have many others, and so I'm not going to repeat myself. Have a good internet.

What do you conceive of as "invalid target" here, and why? It's fine and dandy that Rowling is, apparently, down with queers being around at Hogwarts. But you would never really know this based on her books themselves, and that's the point.

Thanks for this. On point the whole way through.