Tom's inadequate balls

Yep, and aparently engage in internet arguments for too long and realize it’s 5pm and can leave work.

Here’s to hoping

Eh’ I have my moments.

Isn’t the internet a great palce?

Cool. Hope your children never learn how to read


If I’m vaping in a legal space, maybe you should choose to go somewhere else.

Yeah, I kinda have a tenancy to go in guns blazing. I realized it as soon as I hit the post button. Just another thing I need work on.

Congrats! I can honestly say that I would not be as far as I am without that little perk! My goal is be completely tobacco free by my 27th birthday, which is a little over 2 months away.

Again, the point I was trying to make (and boy did it escalate quickly) was simply that to me, it’s all about how you go about it. “Please could you stop doing that?” is totally fine. “stop doing that, it’s fucking disgusting” is where I don’t care what bothers you.

Go for it!

I respect your opinion. In all honesty, if people ask politely, it’s never a problem. It’s the people who think that they are better than me, or the people who look down on me that I have a problem with. “Hey, could you please stop doing that?” is totally fine. “Stop doing that, it’s fucking disgusting” is where I’m


Some of the mods, yeah it can be pretty strong.

Just out of curiosity, why does it bother you? I vape in my office, and my boss encourages it (for context we took a vote, nobody had any strong objection to it, and his reasoning is if he lets us do it in the office, it’s less time spent out side actually smoking... and he’s totally right).


It’s a very faint hint of the smell. I actually didn’t notice until my fiance started vaping as well.

Most of them smell like the flavor of the liquid (my car smells like bananas)

My only point is that I vape (and yes I find the word to be just as annoying as you) because I am trying to quit smoking, and this is the best way I have found that works for me. I am currently at around a half pack, down form 2+ a day.

So the next time you ask me to stop vaping, is it ok for me to light up a cigarette, or should I just tell you to go fuck yourself?