Tom's inadequate balls

Jolly good show!!

I like the guy who was very adamant about waiving the flag in his face. He is dedicated to his anger.

QB: Todd Marinovich

This site was made by a Pats homer

Pats fans are the scum of the earth.

They took them 7 games two years in a row... I’d say that was a damn good fight


I’m not defensive. I just found it a bit odd when I checked Deadspin that you responded to me twice several hours after the fact (kinda like I’m doing now). I could care less how you refer to a team. I’ll say “we”. If that bothers you, fine, if not, that’s ok too.

Just stating facts

And you aren’t an actual doctor

Eh, I’m still going to say it.

The company I work for can do anything it wants without my approval. I still have to say “we” when referring to the company with clients.

I don’t understand the problem with saying “we” when talking about a team. Sure, you may not play or have ever played for that team, but years, in some cases decades of emotional and financial dedication I think justifies feeling being a part of something.

Still not enough, He should have been out the entire year

With a chainsaw

A co worker and I were having a debate the other day. If you had sex with a zombie, would you in turn become a zombie? I think you would, because how would you not?

Oh, I get it. A joke about his beard. Were you up all night thinking about that one?

Jokes on you, My system crashed so actually, I don’t have anything better to do until IT gets it fixed

He also never said he would,or could kick his ass. He never said he would shoot Hardy. Maybe you should hire Ted Wells to investigate, because he seems to do a better job of gathering facts than you. Good day, sir

Or, And maybe it’s just me being “PC” in your eyes..... you’re just being a dick and trying to defend a scumbag.....