Tom Sillers

One of the saddest, most tragic episodes. Vito's smiling face in the Thin Club ad at the end is a gut-punch.

Easily the most Sopranos boring episode ever.

Because it's funny.

I'm still in the weeds with David Pumpkins.

I'm David S. Pumpkins and I approve this message.

Formidable, Magnifique, Ooh la la and other clichés…

It was an excellent installment, watchable from beginning to end. Hanks helped a lot.

The saddest comedy episode I've ever seen. I didn't laugh once, but it was still a great episode. They are really doing something different with this and I love it.

Yeah, I liked the slightly surreal quality, I hope this show continues to experiment, though not to the extreme degree of Community which became too much about the contrivance, too pleased with its own cleverness.

Excellent show that may just be able to tackle serious subjects like clinical depression with real comic finesse, that is without preachiness or excessive warm-and-fuzziness.

One of the most bonkers shows in quite a while. A total mess. I guess the sheer craziness kept me watching, if nothing else.

I'm finding all of the characters to be loathesome but she was loathesome from the start.

I feel like it turned into "Revenge" overnight.

If one wanted a succinct definition for the expression "From the sublime to the ridiculous", one could put a picture of this show. 8 episodes of brilliant, impeccably written, directed, and acted drama, understated, vivid and real, followed by two episodes of badly written, profanity-strewn, laugh-out loud

I more or less agree with this review. First time I really felt the show was soapy and melodramatic. The soap elements were always there, but it managed to be just understated, not to mention impeccably written, directed and acted, enough to not come across as a soap per se. All of a sudden way too many contrivances

Happened on this show almost by accident and it blew me away. If there's a flaw in the first 6 episodes, I'd have to work overtime to discover it.

B+, my ass. The best episode of MOS yet, and one of the best and most moving episodes of TV I've ever seen, period. The show has made a quantum leap this season.

If you haven't got it yet, you should walk away. This show is not about plot, the main mystery doesn't matter. It's about how the characters deal with it, their individual stories, their responses and how they're affected. I don't really care for the whole Wayne/Tom/Christine story, and it's occasionally a bit too

Saying someone is attractive isn't treating them as a thing.

He's the moral center of the show.