
@xhedgehogx: Yes, but not Sim City. That friggin game's been out since Columbus.

Wow. Literally one of the BEST reads I have seen on Giz. Or any other tech blog for that matter. Thanks for sharing!

"the bacteria started to reproduce again "

Why wont you die!!!???!!

@MacAttack: Ahhh! Ok, makes sense now. Go on with the chlorophyll!!

@Red: Don't be jealous. Consider it "hush money". :)

@MacAttack: Umm. Am I missing something here?

@Cabs21: Yes. And someone hire DJ Qualls to control the whole internet.

@BoscoH: I lawled. I'm feeling generous today, so I'm even going to promote your comment. You're welcome.

@davepermen: I'll paypal you $2.83 if you never try to be funny again.

Oh God. It's happening. Someone go build a huge, drilling snake-thing made of Unobtanium.

Nix the "Did", bro. :)

@tylerbrainerd: Jesus Christ. What have I missed!!?? This has turned into quite the conversation.

@Channan: Now there's something you don't hear everyday.

Titter?? I like that word. I'm gonna start using it. Titter.

@FodderTheSane: Yea. I spent a day or so last year researching this guy. Quite entertaining.

@jepzilla: LOL. That and the fact they found the guy behind JT currently lives in Florida.

This guy reminds me of "John Titor".