
Wow. This looks as if it could give Ke$has cooch a run for it's money.

OMG. Thank you! I questioned Apples motives when they thought it to be a good idea to make it a mute switch....I mean, really?!? A MUTE SWITCH? ON A TABLET???

@mclark2112: You know what? I never thought about Windows XP while I was "painting", but you're absolutely correct.

Meh. Totally unnecessary. I created this iPad masterpiece while sitting on the toilet. least it's not made of meat.

@StupidSimple: Uhhh. I don't see anything anus-y about this. Do you routinely have a large, round object inexplicably eclipse your bunghole?

Looks like Billy Ray Cyrus finally hit rock bottom.

@A Flock of Smegal's: It's being shot through a gold plated "gun" made of a cigarette case, a lighter, a cufflink and a pen, and you say the BULLET looks flimsy? lol.

@Helvetica: I proclaim this "Best Post Of The Year! far. "

@edzzz: Exactly. Beat me to it.

@Capt.Reginald: Debit =/= Credit You cannot use a Debit card in place of a credit card for online purchases.

@M0710N: Ok. First of all, iTunes accepts Paypal. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about or are just bitching to hear yourself bitch. Or both.

The guys face in that first pic is quite humorous.

@jturnbow: Good call. I totally forgot all about that.