
LTE and other 4G techs are definitely nice. But until those caps are raised and/or lifted, I'll stick with my UNLIMITED VirMo 3G MyFi.

@Allan 'Blades' Jones: Here's something KINDA similar. It attaches to your helmet, but I don't see any GPS functionality.

@Moonshadow Kati: I would....if I were using Chrome. :) I'm sure there's something similar on the FF front, tho. I already have enough add-ins to choke a mule, so I guess one more wouldn't hurt. ;)

@MigL: Can't blame a guy for trying. ;)

@Curves: No shit! Your previously mentioned vocabulary would prove quite useful in this case.

@scubed: That's just....wrong.

I think I'm going to be sick.

@MigL: It's your Mac. It's broken. Might as well box it up and send it to me. :D

@c to: It wasnt THAT big. Just a couple of squad cars and annoying officers.

@chuckev: The people train runs out of Ssssstttuuubsville.

@SynthOno: Nice. Although I wouldn't go quite THAT far. There were still good mainstream artists up until the late 90's. Snoop Dog and Aqua notwithstanding.

@Robotronic: Me too! I actually tried to go back and change it once I realized my stupidness, but alas, twas too late. ;)

@ePrometheus: The fact such a website exists, is quite lolworthy.

@rjdub: The I7 namesake is still retained on Sandy Bridge processors. The difference is in the model number. i.e. i7-2600K