
In the DS9 episode Destiny, Quark brings Kanar for two arriving Cardassian scientist, only to have Dax taste it and remark "Quark this Kanar has gone bad". Well it's easy to assume that if she knew it was bad, she would have to know when it was good which means she at least tolerated the drink if not actively enjoyed

Yeah, as a kid I use to think records and 8 tracks were cool, oh and laser discs, laser discs are cool.

The one thing VCRs beat out blu-ray/dvd in is being able to record. I miss being able to set a timer on certain shows or movies. Nowadays people have DVRs and practically everything is streaming anyways, so it's no longer needed, but that was one thing VCRs had going for them.

As a member of Hulu Plus. I for one will not be upgrading. Offer me a plan with absolutely no commercials, and maybe I'll consider it.

Thanks for all you've shown us. But this is how we feel.

I'm still butt hurt about them losing King of the Hill. There are other shows I miss, but none as much as King of the Hill. I think next month I will be trying Amazon Prime and maybe letting my netflix go, as they really don't have the widest selection anymore (of quality content at least) and I haven't seen a Netflix