The big scene for callouts where I saw it was the scene where he sees Rose's closet door is open.
The big scene for callouts where I saw it was the scene where he sees Rose's closet door is open.
I read that the budget was $5 million and it made something like $30 million in the first weekend. It had very limited release where I live and the the theater for a Sunday matinee was packed.
I agree with the nitpick — you'd probably make a bigger deal if someone you had been seeing for months hadn't ever sent a picture of you at this point.
There's a lot of ongoing joking about A.A. Dowd being a tough grader who never gives out As. Which isn't fully true, but sort of.
Keith Ellison: "Congrats Tom Perez and family! Dems Unite"
Just to argue the other side, I think if you look at most fanatics in history, their philosophies tend to be pretty incoherent and vague; their main motivations seem to be lust for power and reactionaryism. I don't think the Khmer Rouge, for instance, had much of an idea of what Marx had written. They basically just…
It's worse than that. My ISP launched a garbage, expensive streaming service and started throttling other major streaming services. When they got caught, they claimed they weren't throttling anything, they were just being really, really slow to fix failed connections between them and networks serving content.
One thing to consider is that the more a recipe calls for brining, seasoning and breading, the less it matters whether you buy farm fresh.
I'm not saying anyone should waste time taking the survey — people are much better off spending their time contacting their members of Congress.
Civil Warland in Bad Decline is about a Civil War theme park haunted by pain in the ass Civil War ghosts and that might appeal to an Evil Lincoln.
His short stories are hilarious and often heartbreaking at the same time. He's also a really humane writer, somebody with a lot of sympathy for human frailty. He was once an Ayn Rand fan who long ago turned his back on that kind of thinking, which is a nice thing about him.
Saunders's short stories are odd but usually very readable. I haven't read this yet but I am guessing he is not too obscure - that doesn't seem to be his approach in general.
I haven't read this yet but really want to read it soon.
When I was eight, nothing was funnier than Up His Nose "Vere are ze bullets? I'm asking myself… Vere elze? Up his nose!"
All of the above, please.
It's like making your own wine vs. buying from a store. The time invested, the odds of screwing up your first batches, the investment in materials, and in the end making something that isn't any better than a cheap bottle of wine you can buy — it's worth doing if you enjoy it as a hobby, but not likely from any pure…
He's quite good and the review is right that he and Robinson have solid chemistry.
But they didn't make their pitch at Chrysler headquarters. It was at the London Chop House, which is where a zillion auto execs have dined with their ad execs since the days when Henry Ford received the Grand Cross of the German Eagle from the Nazis.
Some artificial sweeteners like Xylitol can cause horrible diarrhea. Probably not the kind of weight loss aid that people want when they turn to sugar subsitutes.
Food sensitivites and allergies are often really hard to diagnose, so I think it's fair to say MSG is a problem for a few people and other people have sensitivities to foods where glutamates often appear. So it appears there is a connection, but in fact there isn't.