A less ordinary life

I think the dislike stems less from the characters and more from the show itself. And people dislike the show so strongly, because they were expecting good TV. Golden Age of TV... Joss himself is involved.. with Disney backing the show... what could go wrong. Disappointment grows dislike. They couldn't believe what

i know there was a comment about being bitter, but i'd say that was just a wrong choice of words, i'm pretty sure disappointed is the way he feels... at least i do. I expected more. not more superheroes, not movie-grade FX, not HBO-level drama, but more interesting characters, more stakes, more suspense. And i gave

Me being vocal about my disapproval doesn't mean i celebrate not watching the show. And being vocal might teach'em that it's not the kind of show that's my problem, but the quality of the show.. the problem might be, they'll still not bother to read the many comments everywhere and just dismiss this as fanboy

kudos for remembering that...

seconded. Coulson mystery was a maaaaaaaaajor letdown, and to care about Skye's mystery, we'd have to care about Skye first.... which we are several good seasons away from.

AoS doesn't have a tougher row to hoe, just cause it's about a team from the start. Firefly was about a team, and it was great from the start. But now you'll reduce me to a Firefly fanboy, which i'm not. Point is, the row is tough for AoS cause the characters are soooo boring.

do they have the money for that kind of FX? so they won't be screwed :D

like Todd says here (…), it's a sign that they recognize the show has problems, but are afraid to say so out loud... and try to tease some of the fans back.

here's some good perspective on this piece of news...

especially when no one reeeeeeeeeeeeeally cared about the mysterious origin of Skye (make the audience care crazily about her for one season, and then ask that question), and Coulson's mystery was solved so boringly that even if there was some mystery left, i wouldn't care anymore. So he had surgery, big dealio. All

isn't he supposed to be Buffy and Giles rolled into one? If he would just be a Giles, in the background, guiding, only rarely taking part in the action...

I agree that they should've established Coulson as a protagonist in his own right before getting to other stuff. The guy that was funny/cool on the sidelines now has to shoulder all that weight, without believable growth.... Coulson right now is bland, never excited, never stressed, always knows what to say.

if only someone/anyone on this show deserved the spotlight :D

i believe they'll find a way to make those characters boring and dull... i'd be the first to admit my mistake and celebrate AoS, but first they have to prove me wrong. I'm not even watching anymore (and i did not expect movie level drama/quality), might catch up on Season 1 if many, many episodes are positively

she's just not giving a fuck. She knows she's got the part already, and JJ gave her more leverage when he decided VII would focus on the old trio... don't know if she'd even care whether her part is tiny or big. Guess Hamill/Ford are more part of the Hollywood machine and play ball with the publicists, but Fisher has

Kinda shows that DC/WB doesn't have a clue how to go on... they know they'll get SvB, Justice League... and after that, a big nothing. I wouldn't even be sure about that Wonder Woman movie.

awesome Conan, who could have played the character for a couple of more movies (instead of Arnold's one, after which Conan will probably be in the dustbin for a couple of years at least... it's not the instant reboot kind of property like Batman/Spiderman).

maybe the winter belongs to 2014

by the way, and i don't want to bitch about it... but what has to happen for io9 to ungrey me? "comments awaiting review" sound nice, but does anyone actually ever review them?

that's maybe less so for DC, which doesn't really seem to have a plan going forward, but for Marvel? Imagine having locked in RDJ for a 6/9-deal, at the significantly lower rate of 2008?