
if you have a selection of all healthy embryos why the hell not pick which sex if you want to?

Or a black woman filled with an all consuming kindness and desire to help white folks discover their destiny

That would be a surefire way to guarantee than women never win, since the majority of good roles get written for and played by men.

I get your point and everything but to say that Meryl Streep was playing “a mother” in The Iron Lady seems about as fair as saying Brando won for The Godfather playing a Legitimate Businessman.

I’m...confused. These categories are not mutually exclusive. For instance, the pic accompanying this article. Would you categorize Cate Blanchett’s role in Carol as a “wife” character? I certainly wouldn’t. I would categorize it as a character who, among the many things about her, is married to someone.

Black Actress,

They probably don’t point it out specifically, since it may fall under the umbrella of “wife” to them, but I would be willing to bet a significant portion of my paycheck that the best actress award winners are also playing mothers. It’s just like when women are described, like in an obituary or article about a death —

This is kind of apples to oranges. It’s one thing to have conventions or rules about what one wears in a business setting, and these typically apply to men and women. If you show up to your business formal workplace in a skin-tight tube dress, that is not appropriate, but I don’t think anyone would argue that your

Next time I see a guy in cargo pants I’m going to force him to build me a house. I mean, walking around looking all probably-owns-a-hammer...what did he think would happen? #CarpenterLookingAssBitch.

I would have been very happy if he’s won for What’s Eating Gilbert Grape, but you’re right about all of the other noms. He’s a good actor, but very rarely inhabits the character in the way some other actors do.

I maybe am in the minority but his performance never blew me away. Yes he’s dedicated to every role (and is usually very good too), but they’re never outright amazing for me. He always looks like himself playing a character, instead of “being” that character. I never get the hype why people (himself included,

Like the Bechdel Test: The lowest possible bar, glued firmly to the floor, and we still can’t fucking step over it without face-planting.

I don’t know if this was covered elsewhere today or not but it made my day:

That reminds me, I should look up my beard...I mean, prom date. I wonder what he’s up to.

Last night Sarandon was nominated for a SAG for her performance in The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe;

Buy some land in a remote part of Alaska where there are no other people. It’s the only way.

Then you’d better have them stay away from television. Pretty much all media in fact.


This is really sweet and positive and I love it for that. At the same time, I kinda wonder if maybe it’s 4:20 where you are?

Eh, the Gaga and Perry beef doesn’t bother me. People go on random twitter rants all the time.