
Her main claim to fame is playing - as an adult woman - a British schoolboy. If the movie’s aimed at a British audience, it’s something a lot of the audience would be familiar with, so there might be something to it.

I’m sure you also noticed that in the movie there is also an Asian actress playing a white character at one point? And that for the casting to be true to the book, that same liberty had to be afforded to both the white and non-white actors in the movie. it wouldn’t have worked to have an Asian actress play all the

People don’t take context into account, they throw out accusations without knowing what the fuck they are talking about. Maybe if they read the fucking book they’d realise that the way the movie portrayed all those different characters and changed their race, location, time period around, was true to the book.

AbFab should absolutely be released in the US. Some of us still have a sense of humor and are excited about it!

Margaret Cho has worn native Amerucan headdress while making jokes. She saw nothing offensive in doing this. Until it affected her. So yes, this is entirely Americans being too sensitive. And also highly hypocritical!

I’m not sure what you are referring to, but here is actress Bae Doo Na in Cloud Atlas. She is the lead in the fifth (chronological segment) as the cloned Sonmi~451, and also a white woman in the first segment, Tilda Ewing.

Exactly, they had Asian actors playing white people, Latin Americans etc. it was a conscious choice showing that people reborn again and again. It was a theme, not a racist decision to avoid casting an AsiaN actor.

Cloud Atlas is a bit unfair to point out considering everyone was swapping races and genders. :/

Since when has AbFab been a part of Hollywood history? British television and movies don’t have the same history with black face that we Americans have. Also-didn’t Margaret lose her ability to be outraged by political incorrectness when she went full throttle on her “retard baby” defense? I know she “apologized” but

Hasn’t AbFab always been offensive though? The way it portrays gay men and lesbian women. The way all women are portrayed as vacuous, high maintenance bitches(it’s high fashion so probably has more than a grain of truth.) I mean talk about bad stereotypes!! They have a white woman playing a Japanese man ... sounds

This is a British film.

Cloud Atlas wasn’t racist. One of the major themes was that the same actors played multiple roles, spanning various ages, races, locations, and time periods.

To be fair “Absolutely Fabulous” is in fact SUPPOSED to be politically incorrect and insensitive. This is part of the satire. And they have a woman playing a man. I’m guessing that it will be an over the top satire as well. And I’m guessing a lot of their humor will offend someone.

D E A D @'oma'. Any speculaas in the mail?

Here’s the thing that people who didn’t live through this time frame don’t understand: the amount of mind-altering, memory-erasing drugs people did then are staggering. Staggering.

It’s frustrating because this happens every time a celebrity gets called out on something shitty. There’s a stream of comments that go on about how they never liked them and don’t see the appeal anyways. Most of the time it comes off as “holier than thou” for not liking said person in the first place. Like they had