Tom Outspoken

I bet not a single comment of mine will pass the “pending” phase. Lol.

I never heard of deadspan before today. I’m definitely unimpressed. What is it they say? Bad publicity is better than no publicity? The debate is over. Haaaaaaa. Hillarious!

Skirting flouring NFL rules. Hmmm. How does taking HGH compare to defkating footballs (no evidence). How does it compare to filming a sideline (that 80,000 fans can view openly). The debate is over, spygate is just an overrated excuse for hating the most successful team of our era. Pass the HGH please!

One man’s ludicrous victimhood complex is snother man’s this debate is over complex. ;)

Also file under: he didn’t say it was in the headline. He made a separate comment concerning your headline. This is too easy. Lol

Oh. If it’s not in the headline it can be inaccurate. Got it.

The NFL (supposedly) is set to investigate and this clown is skready declaring the debate over. Shill.

The biggest story? Oh you mean the story you say is already over?

The lack of professionalism continues. Or should I say fucking continues. Lol

What a shill for Manning, the NFL and ESPN. The documentary, in fact, doesn’t even accuse Manning of taking HGH! You are so quick to dismiss the possibility you don’t even realize that! What a difference between Peyton Manning’s and Tom Brady’s treatment by the NFL and ESPN. The NFL leaked COMPLETELY FALSE information