
also quite a lot of Indian activists simply hate that word - something to do with imperial women who were shitting on Indian women while fighting for their own suffrage

We can humour arguments about their religious convictions all day long, but I don't really think that's the answer. They're asshole sociopaths who do shit like this for attention. They're just like petulant children who will do absolutely anything to be the centre of attention. They're like teenagers who don't yet

They definitely, DEFINITELY don't want to hear about how the very liberal Muslims of the Middle Ages invented, like, everydamnthing that is representative of what they hate now.

Where did she rationalize or excuse child rape or any other atrocity you listed? Explaining that those things are not legitimate parts of Islam is not in any way excusing them. I can't even comprehend how you made the leap of logic that explaining that something is not sanctioned is the same excusing it. It may also

Yes, let's talk about how female genital mutilation (like male genital mutilation) is a cultural tradition that predates all Abrahamic religions. Countries with majority-Christian populations also carry out this practice.

Actually, there is a great deal of debate on her age at the time of their marriage. Many respected scholars believe that she was 19 not 9. There are no Koranic free passes for marriage to a child. And as a Muslim Jordanian woman, I think you have some (or, really, all) of your facts confused about life in Muslim

Wearing hijab in the States is like being a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman in the Middle East.

You just listed a bunch of things that are more cultural than religious and aren't even happening in the same countries (and no, women aren't legally required to wear hijab in most Muslim countries). It's like if I said, "why aren't we paying more attention to the abortion debate, football hooliganism, cocaine