Tom Noonan Singh

Supposedly these parties and drinksng contests happened, but Stalin would mostly drink water as a stand in for vodka. This would explain his supposedly superhuman tolerance and mind games he'd play with subordinates. This is according to several Nazis at the signing of thr Molotov Ribbentrop pact, one of whom drank

Nah he's the guy with the rocket launcher that gets blown up by the C4 office chair.

I really didnt get Elams death, I was thinking maybe Common wanted off the shiw to tour for his new album, or if they just needed a Cullen a reason to cut ties and leave the Union Pacific?

Very true, just saying it is possible. The rise of antisemitism in interwar Germany could have been a factor to Gerhardt leaving for the US. Im speculating they're Jewish mostly because Minnesota Jews and very prominent in the Coen brothers works.

The Gerhardt patriarch was a world war ONE soldier, described as leaving the "ashes of the Weimar Republic" which was the government of Germany after the Kaiser and before Hitler took over in 1933.

I thought season 2 was a huge improvement, shifting focus away from the boring lead character and benefiting from a more current events style plotting. Ha! There! We've talked enough about Tyrant on a pop culture website for FX to renew through season 5!

I think the most interesting part part of the Whitey Bulger mythos is that he was an MK ULTRA experiment. We need a movie about MK ULTRA creating America's greatest supervillians of the second half of the 20th century: Bulger and Ted Kaczynski.

I love Peterson's performance so much I'm gonna take behind the middle school and get it pregnant!

All three of which were not coincidentally directed by Lewis Gilbert. The man stuck to his formula.

The issue they state in the first episode is that the transplant requires medicine they can only get from the West in limited quantities. The East Germans, or at least in Martin's case, don't seem to have the issue of finding donors so much as the surgeons lack the supplies necessary.

I mourn Deadwood too, but it's been 9 years and I'm ready to enter the dating pool again. Nothing can top Deadwood, but there is hardly any new Westerns in film or tv. Hell on Wheels has solid production value and its success is encouraging for future tv Westerns.

Definitely avoid the Comcast episode descriptions of future episodes, absolutely dropping the worst kind of spoilers.

Am I the only one that likes Hell on Wheels? Season 3 was a big boost in quality once they switched shiw runners and dropped the prestige show pretenses for genre fun. Season 4 was legit good Western action. They put the work in the setting and I am amazed what they pull off with what must be a smaller budget.

Does law enforcement in LA have a diversity ratio matching the area as a whole? A lot of criticism of LAPD IRL is it dominant whiteness with a minority of blacks and few Latinos.

The show takes place in 1983. Dubs almost always blow compare to subs, it always ends up being two dudes and one woman voicing with terrible sound mixing.

That's nuts, I would think modern tech would prevent people from living out Wages of Fear/Sorcerer for a living.

No way, a normal backpack would struggle with $350,000 in hundreds. You cant just stuff it all in, the tinsel strength wouldn't nearly be enough. Paper is a lot heavier than you may expect.

Idk I thought Edie's character contradicts that. She's a normal, decent person. She was lonely but not in thr pathetic, baby crazy way a lot of movies depict the small turn girl in thr no city. Amy Bremmen originally did not want to be in such a violent movie, and that's why Mann wanted her in it. She was a normal

Thanks, lol. Stole it from a Hannibal episode thread.

I thought he was in the Atlanta airport for the episode's third act? Also yes product placement.