
They were the victims of another tapp!

We have the best ghosts, the smartest ghosts in this town, really. We will haunt the Mall while I'm making things great.

Basqiat!! Gotta see him play Basquiat.

Well, there was the thing about him having to pay fines for discriminating against African-Americans in the 1970s and the big ad he took out in the NY Times that basically wanted 5 black teenagers lynched for a crime, it turns out, they were innocent of doing. Kind of a public pattern.

Some people master Judge just want to see the club burn.

That would be Cheney. Fuck him.

If it were Peyton Manning, plausible. Papa seems to have an unhealthy fixation on Manning.

He was just pining for that yummy plate of lettuce he was promised for showing up.

Heigel can kill with a word.

Pipper dig!

He's like a makeupless clown.

Who knew that Riddick couldn't hear in the light, much less see? Is he trying to win that YouTube Brazil lady back?

Yeah, seriously, fuck him.

Napoleon and Ambersons must be in that same room.

More like Drinkseid. He uses his Chivas effect to zap his enemies with Scotch.

Fact eating lad (now a withered old man).

Constantine is an enjoyable film. Especially Stormare and Swindon.

Do you know the chocolate metereologists' society? Are they friends of yours? I'd like to meet with them. Set it up please.

Feces throwing is now a thing, huh?

Franco needs two years away from all of us. Too many projects.