
Thanks 4 calling it out. Not all vomit is bile, especially when it happens right after a drink!

More like bar rag. Napkin will only get you one or two drinks. Bar rag is a weeks worth of booze, drool, snot, sweat and bile.

At least Curly's gold remained a legend until Mitch found it. Suck it Nazi!

No one dares name Burlesque?

Is this a prequel to baby's day out?

I usually go with repeating Joe Gideon's morning routine and accompanied music.

I always thought of Trump more as a giant, shitty Ferengi. Cardassians seem too rational and calculating, though I often confuse them with Kardashians, who are calculating….

How does it fit into the arrow verse?

The further decline of Lasse Halstrom continues- my life as a dog is now this.

I believe that water boarding dogs is an effective means to keep them from chewing our precious shoes and soiling our houses. We must restart this program otherwise the canines win. Barack Obama is the founder of all this. Sunny and Splash are his henchdogs.

That works. #1 is still reserved for Trump.

Nickleback are Canadian, so they automatically trade 1.5 to 1 American band on the butt rock market. We've been downgraded. All our Creeds and Stainds are not worth as much as a Nickleback.

Aside from Tom Noonan and Shane Black, the rest of the cast & crew is negligible.

That's exactly the response I was hoping for. Monster Squad is not likely to come up as being one of the cinematic greats on any lists. Sure people like it, but it's a damn kids movie.

It's like any of the other garbage people throw a warm blanket of nostalgia over to make them feel good and have a nice feeling about their childhood.

How about Trump as the Whizzer? That too obvious?

Unless you are using state approved tanning agents to make your skin a nice, healthy orange, you will be considered an enemy of America.

Hydra has the best scientists, the best technology and the largest weapons laboratory. SHIELD is a failing agency.

Picturing Kirk Cameron in that white tuxedo in the video would be amazing trying to converts all the uptown crowd.

Steve Harvey couldn't wait to get old enough to be out of touch and complain about how young folks do things. Not out of character for him.