
That was painted by Thomas Kinkade as Sleepy Town Gigolo Nut Punch.


It would have been great if Jack Chick was revealed to be the devil all along.

Can we see him defend Denzel Washington from a demon in Fallen has Fallen?

When you've run out of ideas, you are now babies. It always works. Rockford Files babies was a huge hit. So was Hellraiser babies. Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Veronika Voss babies was a tremendous arthouse success.

But you can control it and not push it onto others. I feel bad for anyone with depression but that ends with how they treat others.

I know someone who works on Conan and they indicated he was trouble. He wrote his own introduction that listed all of his box office numbers and accomplishments in detail. He refused to talk to anyone except the host & cohost.

So like Trump? Only more magical?

Split time between crappy bombs and more successful animated films.

One is a better actor.

Watch out, Peter Thiel will send the Hulkster out there to sue you.

Have they remade the thing with two heads yet?

I own an Eric Roberts franchise and I can say it's totally the best job ever. I go to thirty sets a week and sneer out the same ten lines and get paid SAG rates. It's really the best job you can find.

He would be such a great addition to Crimbus.

It was likely an attempt at some urban swagger. Perhaps he meant pimp, instead it came out the wrong way. And by wrong, I meant in the context of what he was saying, not the content. That was all wrong and poorly executed.

Personally, it makes me think of Ayn Rand and objectivism. She created this philosophy that's bent on arrival. It's also as exclusionary as the system she's trying to replace and bound to corruption.

I'd encourage anyone reading this - if you haven't - check out Wise Blood. Read the Flannery O'Connor at the least.

Not to get overly judgey, but did anyone think this guy did not spring forth from a reddit subthread?

1:10 in and I'm done. Today must have roofied themselves from the last fiasco.

That's a name you would love to touch, but mustn't touch.