
Rogue One Eye: A Valhalla Story.

Am I the only one who thinks that Papa John has a Single White Female vibe with Manning?

Lewis Wilson no question

Was this an NPR story? This Greasy Life?

Aderrall Girls is more like it.

I do when the film is crap. I'm hoping someone can extricate her from all the garbage and give her a proper vehicle for her talent.

I don't know if that will Matador to anyone on this thread.

Those explosives had funny wigs and crazy mixed motivations. They once dropped a torpedo on the Germans that took its' cues from Shelley Duval in Brewster McCloud mixed with Hank Stramm, football coach of the Washington Redskins. It confused the heck out of the enemy and won our hearts.

So I'm to assume this pairs well with the inevitably inappropriate Harley Quinn version for women?

Now gimme a Hamburglar. Pout! You really want that that burger.

Fell asleep in back yard. Rats chewed it off. Tim gave him duct tape to fix it. Friendship ensued.

Was your theory enhanced by the sniffing of glue?

"We'll likely serve you up the same shit as last year until you stop paying money to see it. You only have yourself to blame, especially if your mother's name is Martha. Harley Quinn's mother is Martha Quinn, BTW."

Didn't Patrick Bateman take care of that guy already or is he the drunk one that the Kardashian married? IDK, suit with slicked back hair seems like he leaped forth from the doosh aisle of Duane Reade. Maybe it was an evil wizard or stockbroker that conjured this demon.

May your son's hands be inherited from the mother.

Especially if he's burning his money on this after all that abuse.

buh-bye man with David Spade. He snarks in the shadows.

He truly is the son of Jay Leno and Jack Daniels.

Seems like Google ain't paying as well. All her pals were bragging about McLarens for the past year. Sad!

Am I the only one who thinks Dom is unnecessary and a drag on the plot? I don't know, maybe it's Gummer's performance, but I find myself tuning out.