
He'll pull off his mask at the premiere and reveal himself to be Matthew Llilard.

You'd think they'd give you tactical adult diapers for the 12 beers, even if you're in the woods on that tactical bender.

I can say Hobo is far better than Drifter. Drifter is way too gristly. Its' range is longer. Hobo travels a lot, but mostly in trains like veal.

And the fact it's made from shoes is pretty disturbing, too.

The People Vesrus OJ Simpson will come with commemorative boxes of evidence, videotaped depositions, and Robert Kardasian's friendship bracelet starter kits. Bob and Juice are your only choices.

i loved it when Beetlejuice exposed the corruption of Bernard Cardinal Law.

Hulk Hogan starred in the nominally rated Thunder in Paradise tv show with Chris Lemmon, who never came close to an Oscar except when he visited his dad, Jack Lemmon.

So thankful my wife now has suitable footwear for the head shop and 311 concert. We never felt prepared for that transition.

Well, Dr Quinn is long dead. The three stooges definitely are deceased so you got some potential ghosts.

I refuse to buy that candle if it was made by James Braddock - he's missing in action everyone.

I wonder if this will fare better than the krokodil fries they launched last September.

They aren't part of this grand fiasco. They're broing out in bro town. Not giving a crap about some dork in love with a ghost movie.


I think they ratified Gunt as their new name…

Quick question for the thread: watch a late Kevin Smith movie or listen to The Return of Bruno? How about one of Willis' IDGAS movies? I'd throw my chips in with the Willis compost heap over Smith…

Comes with a can of Beta Male repellent. Ask for it by name. The only spray that keeps the gamers and geeks away. Beta Male!

Hopefully it's one of those fun house mirrors that makes everything look…elongated

Let's go get this book and not pay.

It does sync more closely to a lot of former prosectors turned talking heads.

It would have been a good idea to give us a better sense of her in the firm as well as her relationship to Alison's firm. We know on a high level that Alison has little contact with her other than using her as bait to trap the Khan family. We get some sense of Stone's, Naz's, Box's, but that's about it.