
This is the most confusing game ever.

Anthony Kiedis does seem to write/sing as if the words are the first things coming into his head.

[tears off bumper sticker and gets into car. sings give it away with tears in eyes on the way to weekly psychiatrist meeting]

Wow where to start. Unwatched shows feuding with barely relevant bands. I saw Flea with Koko and thought it was nice, but harmless.

I can't imagine Lochte mustering the brain cells to watch Hamburger. His brain likely shut down.

Why do they always have to give the gymnastics team such a lazy nickname?

Stolen Kisses = Wes Anderson.

Drive. Should be on that list.

I'd bump one of the duplicates to see this on the list. Her?

Geez, directors like Tarr, Joe, Assayas, Leigh, Herzog, Loach, Audiard couldn't crack the higher part of this list but they doubled up on Anderson and the Coens?

even Leon knows the answer to that one - rip Brion James

Look up Stacey Nelkin & Woody Allen. Reality comes full circle.

Embarrassed to say it looks great.

Love that scene.

You're so right. But every Halloween, I have to watch it to revel in the insanity.

Too true. The strange part about this is the fact that the woman who was his wife at the time played the woman whose face burned off in the motel next to them while they were getting busy.

This is the decade of Tom Atkins. Dude could do it all. Drink, smoke, look hung over, get mad at punk kids, get involved over his head with paramilitaries. Never before has a C Level actor risen so high.

This is the decade of Tom Atkins. Dude could do it all. Drink, smoke, look hung over, get mad at punk kids, get involved over his head with paramilitaries. Never before has a C Level actor risen so high.

If you play the sound from Idiocracy and Trump's campaign with the audio off, they sync up perfectly.

Soylent something something