
This times ten. He probably dressed like an explosion to get Bay's attention for 13 hours.. He's out dressing like a big bottle metamucil to get Clint Eastwood to sign him on to his latest project.

A long time ago, white males needed something to read on long trips. There were no devices to give them access to films and tv. Pornography was available, but only in printed form and far too difficult to view in public without ridicule. Comic books, though plentiful, were the vestige of children and the

When I am President we will have the best bots. My roommate Mary will be basically making 990USD doing internet work and a McLaren F1 will show up weekly.

I smiled every time he showed up on screen -RIP Mr. Finkel.

President of Vice. Heh-heh.

Oh no, it's all happening again. Except there was a Colnel Conal Cochran season of the chick story about deep fried Halloween masks.

Walton Baggons of the shire?

My family has always been junk food shamans: we're not giving up our heritage buster!

KFC breaks into my house at night and records my food fever dreams. Cases in point: double down, chicken fries. They let Taco Bell come in every other month which beget the Doritos taco. I fear that they will use my deep fried tacoke for evil.

At the airport, that counts as a salutation, so sure!

Bill-o is also creepy. He is one of Roger Ailles' freaks for life.

Bill-o is a war hero. He lived through the horror of a hotel near where the Falkland Islands were happening. He needs like ten purple hearts for that and we haven't given him shit. No parade or thanks.

Masterpiece mystery masturbation. High class onanism at its' lowest.

So good with James VanDer beek

I haven't laughed so hard in a long time until I watched a few of his bits and I normally don't trust like that.

BBQ + 30ft Inflatable Bottle of Schlitz, appearance by Ted McGinley, nacho fountain, Foghat

I only wish the Onion would keep its' series of Joe Biden stories, like his summer job, the hitchhiking to the inauguration, etc….

Yeah, that doesn't fly. Adam Baldwin is in a ton of stuff and that dude froths right wing.