
LaCrap is more like it - 12 year olds

Oh God, in between the Reddit threads, the films about ugly men with hot women, the toys, the Comicons, the Carl's Junior ads we really dropped the ball. I'm ashamed at myself.

Nah, King of Comedy 2:Rupert's Retirement.

James Franco makes meta-textural play/performance piece/lifetime movie of comic book film plays joker's brother Carl.

That's Canadian/British talk! Neighbors is the way we spells it!!!

They are always after our lucky charms. Keeping us down thinking that we'll give up our pots of gold.

Coffee killed Kennedy from the grassy knoll. It faked the moon landing. It was DB Cooper. Ted Cruz is still the Zodiac killer - no change.

They were not all Happy Days.

The Golden Corral: all you can feet.

A mouth in a random hole in the wall is devoid of gender - Lawrence Craig

Yes, the Internet demands a steep price for being out of fashion, especially comedy, until the humility tour.

Yeah, sorry, making a literary joke….

Having a penchant for annoying my wife…….you'd think he would have stopped there.

Internet, let's go get sushi and not pay….

Cyborg was written by Philip Roth as a novel called Automaton's Complaint. Universal Soldier was based on a short story in the New Yorker by Joan Didion.

Jersey Boys…or Mama Mia?

You turned my beautiful Prius into a nightmare!

Desk pop, dirty Mike, Wahlberg doing things to make fun of people, Keaton & TLC, you were a pimp….

Yeah, it's fine to add this one, though I'm not a fan.

I do believe he gave up his X chromosome as part of his training for Cobra, so this reaction is understood. He's made of man, bugs, gristle and worms.