
You guys got really lazy on the non-English language. The Good the Bad and the Weird was hoot. Matteo Garrone's Reality could knock of one of the duplicates. Klown is disgusting. I'm a Cyborg is good, too.

Dorm room: the watchening.

Have lipsync the other? Emily Haines lipsync Brie Larson singing or Brie Larson sticking to what's in the film.

I'd say it's a B.

Though your idea is valid, Grodd and Savage are 3rd tier at best. You have to go through Riddler, Penguin, Catwoman, Brainiac before you hit those villains.

When I read a description that it's "David Lynch" I get wary. It's such a lazy catch all term for strange. If it's the Straight Story or the Elephant Man or even Dune, it means an entirely different thing. What about throwing a Jodorowsky in there just to mess with convention?

Bozy bozy bag of crap.

He's in my mashup fan fiction as Hannibal Blackfyre. He only eats dragon riders.

He'd lose big time to Malcolm Tucker, if it were strictly based on cursing.

It's a gateway to Zima people! Just say no.

Mmmmm, savory bubbles.

Nah pal, you can't take the Baratheon and cross over to catch tha Reed uptown. You gotta use da Lannister. Yeah, Tywin, not Jamie.

So I disagree with that on the count that he defended the wall with smaller numbers. He was smart in that fight. This one was a "you got lucky" case.

It's possible. The fact that his niece & nephew are now with Dany is cause for him to attack and if he has the horn to command the dragons….

What I thought. It all seems so easy paved, but then the crazy dude who cut people's tongues out comes rushing in.

The little birds went on a killing spree after Qyburn ordered them. Varys seems to get information and put it out more than turning them into an army of killers.

Qyburn really turned those kids into little crazies, didn't he? I can't imagine Varys telling them to shank people.

Who is Euron going to mess with first?

Wow, only one of those there stereotypes has a tattoo. Your cards are invalid.