
Justice League: The Nightman Cometh. Pay the toll for the bathole.

I hope they can modernize Darkseid and make him a Brooklyn hipster with a long ass beard and a penchant for locally sourced minions.

I feel we have missed the chance to see Darksied/DMX crossover. Perhaps they could use Killa Cam or one of the Diplomats…..

Namtab am I.

If there's a one-one match between G and LF, who is G creepin' on?

If it was a long time ago, then how the hell would he know what would happen in the future?

What about his face/off matchup with Zachary Qunto?

Oh it's bad. It's a twin Rock movie no less, if I remember it correctly.

Not another wolfdeath….

The Academy loves people like Tom Hooper, so there you go. Would rather sit on a stoop with DePalma than in a hallowed hall with "nice" filmmakers who make "important" films.

Nice! Fun fact number 2: Laconia NH holds a bike week that features many Pagan bikers!

Professor Hercules, there is vacancy at Baylor.

I want to see Professor Hercules converting to Christianity in a Hercules setting now.

Fucked up Mario Cart

Some people can't help comparing everything to Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as if there wasn't anything that existed before it, so fuck Joss Whedon and his "genius".

+ 1 Burton

Please. Black velvet painting is what a purveyor of fine arts would choose.

The Iguana would win an award before Jason Mewes.

He's a rest stop deuce that became sentient after a juggalo said Faygo three times in a mirror in said bathroom.

Just made me hate Jay Leno all over. Thanks.