
I don't know if the world is pining for boner comedies, ninjas or low rent dadsploitation flicks.

Is Chris Hansen in this? Maybe one day he will catch a Predator.

Kitt-eee, gonna buy some litter tonight, maybe get a plush mouse if you're good!

Eh, at least it ain't Marilyn Manson's. He still seems like he's trying too hard.

are you saying they consist of more than 30 year old kids or anyone over the age of thirty?

Yeah, well, A-ha wasn't a one hit wonder either in Norway, but they really are. Same for the Cardigans. That's the sad fact of reality. They came and went in the larger public conscious. And I never want to hear Lovefool ever again.

She wasn't in your face enough.

Mihaly Vig doing the Bela Tarr soundtracks
John Williams The Long Goodbye
Bo Harwood - Killing of a Chinese Bookie

I'll be here all white, I mean night! Sorry folks, caught up in the moment…

Of course I had to look to see if Sheri Moon Zombie is in it and no surprise, she is.

I dunno - Lords of Salem seemed to go away without a peep, so maybe the fans are looking elsewhere.

Really glad to hear that the Lonergan is worth it.

Presumably the gift baskets were fart-related?

He does this regularly. Not to mention the fact that the character "died"

Ramsay Snow/Bolton makes you appreciate good douchery, as played by Jack Gleeson's Joffrey,

Recant breakfast club or your mortal soul will perish!

Everyone expected Julian to be the same badass as Driver, but he's not. In fact he's the opposite. Chang is the unstoppable force.

Walker is not an easy sell to anyone, for sure. I've been up and down on his output, but I will never not try to give it a listen when it comes out. The fact that all those musicians hold him in such high regard is proof of his talents.

Bowie is back. I still hear that affection for Scott Walker coming through.

He's multi-talented. And he doesn't rape people.