
I am glad this thing is not presented in smello-vision.

Better schedule them for 2pm the day before. At least people will have a fighting chance of seeing them show up the next day by 8pm.

Look at your game girl

He was seventy? What is that in human years?

The boombox is holding him.

We need a more effective way to dispose of these hazardous Euro-waste materials. Next time you'll try and tell us that Eiffel 65 is worth a long form discussion.

How many people are recording and watching the whole thing? The fact that this "show" can be cut up into small parts is his strongest advantage. I'm not saying it's good or bad, but I rarely read about his interviews. It's always the bits.

Let's see how long KL sticks around. Pusha T's body of work is huge.

I'm gonna tear up the fucking dance floor.

I'll get flayed, but I never "got" Guy Maddin. I've found all of his films dull. His latest fake Kenneth Anger hot take looks no different than any other goulash he's given us.

it was good and surprising in its' restraint.

Rat-faced troll seeks same for undercover scamming of libural causes - J-OK01

Was Paula Deen connected in any way?

We've put out an APB for Eric von Stroheim in the shooting.

Come on drunk Russians, you need to work harder next year.

I didn't notice anyone being knocked out.

Needs more phallic.

"I'd rather some dude hector me in song about what I've done while I sing war is over like a hypnotized slave" - AV Club

Obi Wan Cheney?

Instead of fostering the John Galts of the world, we allowed the Jar-Jars to destroy our objectivist construct, ensuring that the Death Star would merely be an Injury Star.