
Jon Snow comes back as Ted McGinley = show dies a quick death.

It's like a mashup of The Crossing Guard, The Sweet Hereafter and a heavy dose of Ozu. The kids will eat it up…

What's the opposite of a McConnisance? James Franco seems to be in one of those there. Francline? Francession?

Don't look now but you may actually live in that town where all the Lifetime Movies are shot.

You have your choice of a gun phone or noose phone where you can simulate the act of killing yourself while you watch these komedy klassics. Makes a great stocking stuffer!

This list is good. I see 14 that I would agree with, the rest, not so much. Maybe Edgar Wright will make a film one day that doesn't involve a man child being congratulated for pushing his way to adulthood….

Yes, the arc was predictable. Master-pupil relationship. Normally, I'm fine with twee, but the artifice of this film struck me as way too cutesy. Also, I'm a bit pissed at the goings on with Samantha Morton.

Prometheus Pocus

Is it me or does Krysten Ritter look like Bad-era Michael Jackson in that still?

Bochepheus. Everyone turns into Hank Williams Junior. Planet is officially ready for some football.

Chris Hansen: To Catch a Predator

Neil Bisquik

Prometheus: Port of Call New Orleans

No he's part of The Real Aliens. The one that Neil Bundtcake is directing.

That's kind of the point for people who like them now.… - El-P summed it up pretty well in this article a few months back. Bronson is the hero, but he's really a villain.

NP - Better to listen to this than have me summarize. It's a good depiction of what I see running through Lynch's work.

Well there is a bit of a pattern on people who cut to the core of the human condition and also have issues with their personal lives: Allen, Lynch, Bergman to name a few.