
Cabin in the Woods is way too self satisfied to notice that the horror movie within the story is a snore. Between isolated bits of fun office banter, the rest of the movie is like a term paper damp with bong water.

You oughta know! - Alanis

Now with 30% more garters & lace!!!

You know what goes great with this……a ton of cocaine!

Were sorry. Sounds like some fishy past tense logic.

I agree, but how could you top this:

GTA: Bebop. He should animate a version of the Room. That guitar guy would make a perfect Tommy Wiseau.

Maybe yahoo should work from home like my third cousin's auntie in law and they have enough money now to afford a mclaren or some car nobody's heard about..,

Check and mate, in the Talmudic sense to you.

Why can't he catch a real Predator, like in the movies?

Is it reasonable to believe the sexy Rabbi costume is sexy?

is this the prequel to Stoker mixed with Edgar Allen Poe? Poeker?

They robbed Greedo's grave to sell off his death shroud. They have no shame.

Agreed. Great point.

Meh, I feel like his version of dark is not all that insightful or resonant.

So like one step down from James Cameron.

Joss Wheedon - there I said it. I just don't find all the "snappy" dialogue all it's cracked up to be. There are far better examples out there, like Preston Sturges that make him look like a piker. His work is never visually interesting. In fact, some of it looks cheap. He also tends to rely on some pretty weak talent

Can't they just put James Bond, Wolverine, Mad Max or Luther into a hat and make them choose? Hugh Jackman, you are now…Luther! Daniel Craig, you are now Mad Max! Idris Elba, you are now…..Wolverine!

He's not glorifying it. He's actually showing viewers what goes into food preparation. I would think that this would help their case instead of having the prerequisite cutaway to the food being prepared without the death.

Low bar theft. Maybe laughed at one of these jokes.