
Take your pick! I'm sure some of them are perfectly capable of making a life for themselves after he shed the mortal coil; the others could go right to Dave Grohl's face.

He's OK, most of his bits always feel like he's cribbed off too many bits from history. It sounds like he spent more money to flip off the city of Portsmouth than he did to pay the ticket.

Are Lemmy's warts in his will?

At least he's smart enough to not just wear a sock.

The Wachowskis suffer from an ambition that doesn't match their abilities. Good ideas don't translate into coherent films.


Oobity - doo!!!

But they probably would not have "gone" if it weren't free.

Water closet, Boston marriage, underpants, front botom

Does it say that people watched the whole thing or are we talking hotel porno numbers of 2 minutes or less? I also wonder how that number holds up if you add 2 dollars to the price tag.

This is one move where there are way too many contrivances and way too many actors, like a shitty action dognapping mafia extortion version of it's a Mad, Mad, Mad world. I suppose at least Willis isn't making more Die Hards where those will be released in theaters where this one will grow like mold in redboxes…

Yeah more Jai Courtnay or Sam Worthington in our lives would be great. That Miles Teller kid is lost compared to those two. And those American actors need to get off his lawn with their twitters and whatnot.

Are we gonna have movie that unifies the pure flix universe?

Why is annoying orange so annoying and so orange?

Is this the musical equivalent of a Golden Corral?

Vince Vaughn had one great reaction shot that gives me some hope that he will show some muted depth here. Having Justin Lin behind the camera doesn't necessarily make me feel that this is going anywhere interesting from a visual perspective. He's good with ensembles…..but I can't say visually interesting

Does anyone here want to hit the off button on Van Halen?

Foppish Kings in carriages getting cafe au lait

Carl would be a better Bond. In his red jeans. He already has the car,

I only knew Ray Milland from this movie when I was a kid.