
I hate to break it to Pegg, but you can easily substitute nerd culture for any escapist pursuit that reaches critical mass and see someone rise up to remind us what we really should be thinking about and how that pursuit has the same effect on people. He really shouldn't think all these obsessions are so isolated.

Plights are people my friend.

Boys who like cones like they're cups.

Maybe they could artfully send some of those profits over to Haiti.

Suicide for sure. Synth duo. Closer to the things that came out in the 1980s, like Soft Cell, Depeche Mode, Eurythmics, Human League….

Man of Strength. We are gonna make this mockbuster!!!!

Yeah, but Frank's boys could travel up the east river and get you where ever they wanted.

Gross, but +1

Dude looked like a lady at the truckstop….

How about I get a medic alert bracelet saying I suffer from chronic narcissism? Would that allow me to use it as an assisted device?

Ever since the collapse of Columbia House, Indiana's been in a slow tailspin. Terre Haute is now Terre Hate…

remind me if I am in a casino to not put money on the same square as Vin, in fact, I will bet black when he bets red.

On their website right now: Confirmed acts so far: Foo Fighters + Kanye West + Lionel Richie

Whoa, pally I don't know how more gritty you can get than that. Would be hard to top that level of realism.

I'm sure they had to increase the swag after the Franco-Hathaway debacle, now known as the "I am not gonna sit though this shit without a bigger bribe or some drugs" clause.

Beyonce can speak for herself, to be honest. I think that she probably should have won, given the reality of popular music and her place in the solar system. Kanye cares and that's a good thing, but coming to her defense is a bit paternalistic and misguided.

He went down to the crossroads to get that. Was between him and ol scratch til now. Now Jack's only soul is all over the interwebs.

Seriously. We have hope for them going to Yemen, but their flippant brand of gonzo journalism needs a good figurehead to rail against.

He really stayed in character after Noah wrapped, eh? Stuck in them biblical times. Method to a fault….