
Tell me you guys didn't miss House of Cards!!

Definitely Pulp Fiction. I went with 2 friends the 1st time & we were blown away. I went to see it 4 more times. Also, seeing Clerks. And the 1st time I saw Speed was on a date. We dropped by my gf's parents' house before going out to dinner & they were glued to the news on the TV: OJ had taken off in his Ford Bronco

ER became very uninteresting once most of the original cast members had left, right around the time [I feel I should put a SPOILER warning right here — read NO further!!] Mark Greene died. Also, Friends got really bad about the time Ross dressed up as the Chanukah Armadillo & Rachel became pregnant. And NYPD Blue

Ian Fleming's James Bond novels. They're really good but I had to take a break from them after I got into The Spy Who Loved Me — it's got a totally different writing style than the previous novels & I felt I had to take a break from the series. I'll probably get back into it in a few yrs time, I want to read them all.

Don't think I've seen a spoiler that gave away a good flick for me but I was in a movie theatre once with a friend who really REALLY wanted me to see The Crying Game. The guy in the row in front of us kinda spoiled the surprise for me when I said something like "I've heard there's male frontal nudity in this movie"

Title track from Indigo Meadow by the Black Angels. Also, I saw Chris Cornell sing Redemption Song in concert & it was EXCELLENT.


My favorite line: "…evertime Catherine'd turn on the microwave I'd piss my pants & fergit who I was for about a half hour."

Little late in my reply but, yes, I do like calamari when the chef knows how to cook it properly, which is rare. Too often it comes out rubbery. And, yup, I'd have like to have seen Snyder keep the giant squid in the movie. But he wasn't the best choice to direct this movie anyway. Terry Gilliam should have directed

As a 22 yr fan of Watchmen, I wasn't so disappointed in the visual imagery of the film as much as I was the unending & pretentious slow motion that happened in EVERY fight scene. Plus, Snyder made too many fundamental changes that altered the story too heavily.

Hmph… they had Hartigan from Sin City, but NO MARV? Nicely edited tho!