
Listening to Capaldi's speaking voice here, I realized another reason why I like him so much. He's the first one since Tom Baker who sounds like the Doctor.

But they are immortal, barring accidents.

I choose to believe that the dropped the Diana\Steve romance because Diana was Steve Jr's real mother.

I thought it was kind of obvious. The one guy that's supportive and pushing the armistice isn't what he seemed. How could you not see that coming?

You're right. Sorry about the mistake.

Yes, there was that bit. There was also her killing Maxwell Lord, which I think was handled poorly and was less necessary than presented. but it does exist. Over 75 years, there's going to be a lot of contradictory material. However, there is a lot of evidence for the way I see WW, including her creator's intent. as I

Thank you for that perceptive and insightful comment.

You don't even need any of that. The next time Missy or the Master appears: "I thought the older you said you wouldn't be able to regenerate?" "He was wrong. I said a lot of dumb things when I was him"

No, I'm saying that because William Marston, who created her explicitly said that she should be an alternative to superheros who solve their problems with their firsts, because in the 70s her tribe of Amazons was contrasted with Nubia's tribe, which followed Ares (who was probably called Mars back then, and yes, the


The Aztecs is one of my all-time favorite serials. He got over that"you can't change history, not one jot" thing pretty quickly, though.

Doctor Who as a sixties period piece would be fun for a while.

Ten's emo, fated to be alone moments all had their roots in Hartnell's goodbye to Ian and Barbara. He played it more stoically, but he was obviously devastated. That was the moment he realized that everyone he would ever know from that point on would eventually leave him.

My one complaint about them was that, sometimes, they played up the "Wonder Woman is from a warrior culture" idea too much. Looking at her history, she's very much the opposite of a warrior who casually waves a sword around.

I never knew that about Roddy McDowall. That's a pretty subtle bit of stunt casting. I can hear Adam West's voice figuring it out: "Tetch, that fiendish criminal, is obsessed with Alice In Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland, properly called Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, is a book. Therefore, the only proper voice

I'm not sure it's the audience that's stupid here. Licensing issues can be worked out and a Spider-Man/Wonder Woman movie would be the single most popular thing ever made.

I'd put Spectacular Spider-Man up there with them.

Susan would have to be alive, since the Doctor left her in the distant future. Zoe went back to her life in 2000, so she should only be in her 30s by now. Ian, Barbara, Ben and Polly were all still alive a few years ago. For all we know, Sarah Jane might be, too.

I might replace 2/Jamie/Victoria with 7/Ace, and for the other slot, I'd go to the beginning with 1/Susan/Ian/Barbara

Doctor Who was first, so The Magic School bus is Doctor Who for children.