An amazing amount of mustangs on the road in Guangzhou. Likely only a 2 litre model as the larger displacements are taxed more and subject to other costs the govt puts on them.
An amazing amount of mustangs on the road in Guangzhou. Likely only a 2 litre model as the larger displacements are taxed more and subject to other costs the govt puts on them.
What’s most impressive here is that of all mustangs, it was the Foxbody, which has the structural rigidity of David Tracy’s willpower not to buy a half rusted jeep.
clearly gas mileage is not a high priority to you - how about a chevy suburban or tahoe?
I recently took Amtrak for the first time returning home from central IL to east TX. It’s an 11-12 hour drive, a 4-6 hour flight with a connection (or a considerably larger ask for a friend on the other end to come pick me up in DFW), and a ~17-hour train ride. The train actually takes me right to the small town I…
There is no good reason for someone to create this, but nothing makes me smile more. I love it for this reason alone.
This is what happens to a Mustang when it is made to do “high-performance” maneuvers near a crowd that it is not allowed run over/devour. It commits suicide because its population-culling purpose remains unfulfilled.
I KNEW someone would make this a Trump issue. I had to read a lot of comments to get to this, but I knew it was here somewhere. If only the NTSB and FAA had your level of knowledge of the facts of the situation........
If there were any vehicle just begging for a bike engine swap, this would be it! Could you imagine going over 150 mph in one of these things?!? :D
I’m seconding Tracy’s recommendation. You can quite easily get one of the last few model years with less than 50K miles in the price range he’s looking for.
Maybe, but only because my phone alarm is set to Vivaldi’s The 4 Seasons (Summer).
CP. It’s likely a polished turd from SE Asia. Some good restorations come from there (very few), but that very non-original seat and 21st century sidecar make it pretty clear that this either is a bodge job or oddly poor work for someone to have poured money into in the US. Something about 1969 for being the incorrect…
Vespa people take umbrage when you call that a Moped
It does piss me off when going somewhere that has winter and the rental cars have all season tires in winter.
driving is not a right, its a privilege
Same here. This probably isn’t in the top 100 reasons why I carry, but I can at least put one down if I see one get hit.