Heard that the engine was pulled from the old Chevy for added effect.
Heard that the engine was pulled from the old Chevy for added effect.
Only evil people do that.
Oh how I love this!
Yeah wish I had thought of that back then :(
Several years ago I took my Ranger to Aamco for a diagnostic for hard shifting a year after a new clutch was installed. Instead of a diagnostic report on what was needed and with absolutely no authorization from me they went ahead and rebuilt the transmission anyway and handed me a $2600 (more then the truck was…
It is an awesome sight indeed. Back in the early 90's I worked out at KSC and was mowing the Shuttle landing facility with a large tractor with a 20' batwing mower when I thought I heard doomsday. As loud as the tractor was, the noise was deafening. The wing tip of the 747 passed about 12 ft above the roll bar on the…
I'm always renting cars and go in without any bias, perception or hate. Just rented a Malibu last month and it was nice, certainly a better driver then the Kia I last rented. Why it's loathed here eludes me
The normal looking Florida tag and being an unmarked something that aint a Charger or Tahoe or the like would be a red flag to me. Also being as asshat on a bike invites cops and road ragers.
Thought that the Draconian gun laws there would be condusive to a crime free utopia.
Wow ! I am one of three or four!
I remember an episode long ago when he reviewed the F150 Lightning. Thoroughly trashed it and called us Mericans "Inbreds" Thats when I really started hating the prick.
Its that internet, gaming, texting etc has replaced kids building go carts, forts, having bb gun fights, building shit in general or working with their hands. I see this in my profession when a client provides helpers to me, aged 17 to mid 20's. No longer amazed that most can't operate a ratchet, cordless drill etc…
I would have to say any given Jaguar or Tesla.
If its quality is anything like typical Chinese scooters, it will have a broken crank and be on CL in a year or 2 for a 100 bucks or less.
Its ok. Most buyers of high end cars probably have no clue how to install a spare anyway.
The Miata boner here never ends. Don't Y'all know that a boner is a tourniquet?
This Islam loving president aint worthy of this new plane
The M4's exhaust sounds like shit.
A few pebbles in the hub/center cap will also do.