Good? It’s the latest hot thing to assume the pandemic is over but I hate to break it to people - it’s not. And the least we can do to protect each other is mask up when we’re confined to a tiny tube in the air. You’ll be fine.
Good? It’s the latest hot thing to assume the pandemic is over but I hate to break it to people - it’s not. And the least we can do to protect each other is mask up when we’re confined to a tiny tube in the air. You’ll be fine.
Tbh, I’ve never understood the fascination with room service.
Yes but only the people you’re actually driving by, not the entirety of the internet.
Editor: “Quick, Lizzy, I need 100 words on the topic of your choice.”
No. Like the comment below:
He’s a criminal.
A shallow, draft dodging coward, who thinks the luck he’s had equals wisdom.
He’s committing fraud by manipulating the stock market. Dude’s a criminal.
I agree. Hitting an unavoidable pothole on our garbage roads and destroying a wheel or tie rod end resulting in a crash is an accident. Not being aware of your surroundings and not keeping safe distances so you don’t have time to react, resulting in a crash is not an accident, it is negligence.
these “accidents” I fear will only steer the general public further away from mass transit. Something South Florida desperately needs!
A friend’s dad was a motorman on the NYC subway system. He had a suicide on one of his runs, and it took over a year for him to get back in the cab again.
In spite of the lack of impact (I once saw it compared to a car running over a soda can) this can be extremely traumatic psychologically for engineers. Sometimes it’s career-ending.
We need a new version of the International Race of Champions. Stick the best drivers from all the motorsports series into identically prepped CUVs/eGTs/rental cars and let them loose on a Roval style course.
I would watch a series that involved a bunch of pro drivers in base model CRVs and Rogues driving a road course in a full-contact deathmatch type setup. That would be significantly more interesting than anything Nascar has done in the past several decades.
It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks…
I would suspect Jalopnik would not link to a competitor
I’m sure there are going to be a lot of people in the comments saying things like, “That’s it, I’m out of here! I’m never reading this site again!” First, grow up. Millions of people read this site, if you want to stop, go with god.
Oh... I, uh, don’t know if I’ll still come around anymore much after this.
The late Mr Reyes used to get teased by his AA buddies for being pussy-whipped. He’d just smile enigmatically and say, “What better to be whipped with?” Later, the buddies would sidle up to him privately and say shamefacedly, “Um, you and Claire really seem to get along well. What’s your secret?”
Maybe the most common pitfall in a relationship is doing the kind of things for your partner that you’d like to be done for you. Sounds like some basic, “Golden Rule” stuff doesn’t it?